Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Coming to terms with generation Y

In an age of myspace, twitter, facebook, macbooks, bloggers, ipods, even ebooks, social advancement is a great thing, technology too.. But is it really all positive?
I doubt anyone ever even knows where they stand anymore. Everything has become a blur of this and that, and nothing else. Subculture is dead. There's a multimillion dollar chains of stores market to just about every demographic out there, turning us into vain brainwashed consumers, and just that. Everyone goes for the look, with no principles or ideas behind it. Nowadays everyones an artist, or musician, a photographer, a model. It's as easy as 1,2,3 -- possibly easier. With the flick of a wand (or the amount of calories you waste opening up your laptop), you become all of the above. No skill involved, 99% of the creative process completely eliminated.
I'm a strong disbeliever; As hypocritical as this sounds.
Maybe I was raised differently, I'm not even American born, maybe I'm just crazy.
We've become a generation of the recycled. Recycled trends, "ideas", and attitudes. I quote on ideas for the reason that there barely is any train of thought behind anything anymore. If any stand is ever taken it's only because it's the hip thing to do.
We're the generation that has replaced a good part of our childhood with reality tv. And if not angry we should be damn happy about it, because as I see it the next generation to come out will not have any left. Girls raised on scantily dressed Bratz dolls and anorexia nervosa, boys raised on unclad macho attitudes and steroids.
I could rant about this for hours.