Saturday, April 10, 2010

I've realized that lately I have found myself stricken with the curse of the human physique within my craft work. Perhaps, its just a vicious case of writer's block, on the other hand browsing through Brooklyn Rail today I stumbled upon something that remitted a new meaning to my madness and constant its of the contours of body language. I was introduced to the work of Carolee Schneemann, described by a few reviewers as the polar opposite, of a cool art critic with a not too shabby attitude by default. Describing Schneemann's work as a point of reverence is not nearly enough to meet what she has been stating over and over with a load of provocative, yet artfully minded masterpieces.
"Schneemann abstracts, removes all social context, alters and distorts reality instead of moving towards its essence." -Michael Smith, The Village Voice, Nov. 26, 1964.
Michael Smith here makes a very interesting point. The arts nowadays have been nothing of the boxed in sort. One sees artists cross border lines and mediums in the snap of a finger. Quite a manic journey of finding one's personal niche. But these mediums are crossed 80% of the time in awaiting what is right, what feels right, to a point of meaningless jumble. A kitsch of the abstract, an antithetical of the definitional forms of abstruse. Is the essence of significance, a trick, and nothing more?Why? To cover up for the lack off in our cultural ethos? Once the mechanical pencil, ran outdated artist took on anything to secure their standing within the transcendental, with a hope of escaping the context of prescribed essence. Yet is junk on canvas human enough to hold a vital essence? No need it should, simply enough Schneemann removes the human from the corpse in a way that works, and holds, and stays. Contemporary to say the least.

Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm so proud of these earrings. I wish they didn't break 5 seconds after i got them. Superglue it is.

Okay, I figured I might as well finally make use of this thing so here it goes. Some of my artwork-- ill post up more soon; maybe wait till its not 1 am in the morning, and theres some sunlight, because the lighting came out pretty bad.
Horses. All I learned from doing this is that horses make me sweat profusely. They're adorable animals really; However i had to correct this painting a million times, and still I'm not nearly happy with it. But I do love the way the sky here turned out. So idk it's a love hate relationship.